Special Symbols & Characters

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How DO they make those symbols and accents?

£40, résumé, 23¢, 350º, 4¾, El Niño…

Let’s learn it!

Want to know how to create special characters like fractions or accented letters?

There are some cool keyboard combinations that produce these and many other symbols. They work in most Windows programs such as Word, Notepad, WordPad and most email programs.

This technique has a couple of rules: you must have your “Num Lock” engaged (so make sure the NumLock light is on) and you must use the numeric keypad on the right side of your keyboard, not the number keys across the top.

For the following combinations, hold down your Alt key while you enter all the numbers. When you release the Alt key, the special symbol will appear.

Accented Letters & Umlauts
ÁAlt + 0193ëAlt + 137
áAlt + 160íAlt + 161
ÀAlt + 0192ìAlt + 141
àAlt + 133îAlt + 140
ÂAlt + 0194ïAlt + 139
âAlt + 131ñAlt + 164
äAlt + 132ÑAlt + 165
ÄAlt + 142óAlt + 162
åAlt + 134òAlt + 149
ÅAlt + 143ôAlt + 147
æAlt + 145öAlt + 148
ÆAlt + 146ÖAlt + 153
ÇAlt + 128ŒAlt + 0140
çAlt + 135œAlt + 0156
éAlt + 130úAlt + 163
ÉAlt + 144ùAlt + 151
ÈAlt + 0200ûAlt + 150
èAlt + 138üAlt + 129
ÊAlt + 0202ÜAlt + 154
êAlt + 136ÿAlt + 152
Special Symbols & Characters
¢Alt + 0162×Alt + 0215
Alt + 0128÷Alt + 0247
£Alt + 156Alt + 0137
½Alt + 171®Alt + 0174
¼Alt + 172©Alt + 0169
¾Alt + 0190Alt + 0153
ºAlt + 167¿Alt + 168

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